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Allen, 1983

Allen (1983), ‘Maintaining knowledge about temporal intervals’


Baral, 1997

Baral et al. (1997), ‘Reasoning About Effects of Concurrent Actions’

Beetz, 2005

Beetz et al. (2005), ‘Probabilistic Hybrid Action Models for Predicting Concurrent Percept-driven Robot Behavior’

Boutilier, 1998

Boutilier et al. (1998), ‘Decision Theoretic Planning: Structural Assumptions and Computational Leverage’

Brachman, Levesque 1985

Ronald J. Brachman and Hector J. Levesque (1985), Readings in Knowledge Representation. Los Altos: Morgan Kaufman.

Bratman, 1988

Bratman et al. (1988), ‘Plans and Resource-Bounded Practical Reasoning’


Church, 1936a

Church (1936a), ‘A Note on the Entscheidungsproblem’

Church, 1936b

Church (1936b), 'Correction to a Note on the Entscheidungsproblem’

Cook, 1971

Cook (1971), The complexity of theorem-proving procedures. Proceedings of the third annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing, p. 151-158.


Davis, 1990

Davis (1990), Representations of Commonsense Knowledge

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