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Haddawy, 1990

Haddawy et al. (1990), ‘Planning and Decision Theory’

Haddawy, 1993

Haddawy et al. (1993), ‘Utility Models for Goal-Directed Decision-Theoretic Planners’

Hanks, 1987

Hanks et al. (1987), ‘Nonmonotonic Logic and Temporal Projection’

Hanks, 1990

Hanks (1990), ‘Practical Temporal Projection’

Harnad, 1999

Harnad (1999), ‘The Symbol Grounding Problem’

Hayes, 1977

Hayes (1977), ‘In Defense of Logic’

Hayes, 1979

Hayes (1979), ‘The Naive Physics Manifesto’

Hayes, 1985

Hayes (1985), ‘The Second Naive Physics Manifesto’

Hayes, 1985b

Hayes (1985), ‘Naive Physics I: Ontology for Liquids’

Hesslow, 2002

Hesslow (2002), ‘Conscious thought as simulation of behaviour and perception’