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McCarthy, 1968

McCarthy (1968), ‘Programs with Common Sense’

McCarthy, 1969

McCarthy et al. (1969), ‘Some Philosophical Problems from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence’

McCarthy, 1980

McCarthy (1980), ‘Circumscription—A Form of Non-Monotonic Reasoning’

McCarthy, 1986

McCarthy (1986), ‘Applications of Circumscription to Formalizing
Commom-Sense Knowledge’

McDermott, 1982

McDermott (1982), ‘A Temporal Logic for Reasoning About Processes and Plans’

McDermott, 1985

McDermott (1985), ‘Reasoning about Plans’

McDermott, 1987

McDermott (1987), ‘A Critique of Pure Reason’

Miller: Common Sense Problem Page

Miller et al: Common Sense Problem Page (

Moore, 1985

Moore (1985), ‘A formal theory of knowledge and action’

Morgenstern, 1987

Morgenstern (1987), ‘Knowledge Preconditions for Actions and Plans.’

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